LD 1892
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Prevent Price Gouging LD 1892 Title Page
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LR 2565
Item 1

person immediately prior to the abnormal market disruption unless
the price increase is attributable to increased cost.

3.__Attorney General declaration.__Whenever it appears upon
due inquiry that an abnormal market disruption exists, or that
there is a substantial likelihood that an abnormal market
disruption is imminent, the Attorney General may, in the Attorney
General's sole discretion, declare an abnormal market disruption.__
The Attorney General's declaration must specify the particular
necessity, necessities or categories of necessities that are
subject to the abnormal market disruption.__The Attorney General
shall cause the declaration to be published in a manner
reasonably calculated to give affected persons adequate notice.__
The declaration expires when the Attorney General declares it
expired or 60 days from the date of its issuance, whichever is

4.__Civil violation.__Profiteering in necessities during an
abnormal market disruption is a civil violation that constitutes,
and may be prosecuted as, an unfair act or practice in the
conduct of trade or commerce pursuant to Title 5, section 207,
except that the provisions of Title 5, section 213 do not apply
to profiteering in necessities. The existence of an abnormal
market disruption constitutes an element of the violation that
must be affirmatively proven, except that when the Attorney
General has declared an abnormal market disruption, the
declaration creates a rebuttable presumption that the disruption
occurred and existed from the date of the declaration to the date
of its expiration.

5.__Rulemaking.__The Attorney General may adopt rules
implementing this section, including, but not limited__to, rules
governing required methods of publication and notice under
subsection 3.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine
technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-


This bill amends the law that prohibits profiteering in
necessities. It establishes a ceiling of 15% plus costs on
increases in prices for necessities of life affected by an
abnormal market disruption due to natural disaster, stress of
weather, failure or shortage of electric power or other source of
energy, strike, civil disorder, war, terror or a national or
local emergency or another precipitating event.

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