LD 1749
pg. 1
LD 1749 Title Page An Act To Clarify the Taxable Status of Processing Fees Charged in Connection w... LD 1749 Title Page
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LR 2802
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §1760, sub-§88 is enacted to read:

88.__Processing fees.__Processing fees or forfeited advance
deposits held by an innkeeper in connection with a cancelled
reservation or the failure of a guest to appear at the inn on the
scheduled day of arrival.__For purposes of this subsection, "inn"
includes a hotel, motel, lodging house and bed and breakfast and
any other facility that, for compensation, provides lodging to
travelers and others on a temporary basis.


This bill clarifies the sales tax law to provide a specific
exemption from the sales tax for processing fees or forfeited
advance deposits held by an innkeeper in connection with a
cancelled reservation or the failure of a guest to be present on
the scheduled day of arrival.

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