LD 1711
pg. 15
Page 14 of 18 An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws Page 16 of 18
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LR 2951
Item 1

modification must be carried to the earliest of the taxable
years to which, by reason of this subsection, the negative
modification may be carried and then to each of the other
taxable years to the extent the unused negative modification
is not used for a prior taxable year. Earlier carry-forward
modifications must be used before newer modifications
generated in later years.;

Sec. 28. 36 MRSA §5122, sub-§2, ¶V is enacted to read:

V. The taxpayer's pro rata share of an amount that was
previously added back to federal taxable income pursuant to
section 5200-A, subsection 1, paragraph H by an S
corporation of which the taxpayer is a shareholder and by
which, absent the S corporation election, the corporation
could have reduced its federal taxable income for the
taxable year pursuant to section 5200-A, subsection 2,
paragraph H;

Sec. 29. 36 MRSA §5122, sub-§2, ¶W is enacted to read:

W. The taxpayer's pro rata share of an amount that was
previously added back to federal taxable income pursuant to
section 5200-A, subsection 1, paragraph M by an S
corporation of which the taxpayer is a shareholder and by
which, absent the S corporation election, the corporation
could have reduced its federal taxable income for the
taxable year pursuant to section 5200-A, subsection 2,
paragraph L; and

Sec. 30. 36 MRSA §5122, sub-§2, ¶X is enacted to read:

X. The taxpayer's pro rata share of an amount that was
previously added back to federal taxable income pursuant to
section 5200-A, subsection 1, paragraph N by an S
corporation of which the taxpayer is a shareholder and by
which, absent the S corporation election, the corporation
could have reduced its federal taxable income for the
taxable year pursuant to section 5200-A, subsection 2,
paragraph M.

Sec. 31. 36 MRSA §6664, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 12, Pt. BBB, §5,
is amended to read:

§6664. Report

1. Report to Legislature. By January March 15th annually,
the State Tax Assessor shall submit to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
appropriations and financial affairs and the joint standing

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