LD 1711
pg. 14
Page 13 of 18 An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws Page 15 of 18
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LR 2951
Item 1

14/15 of the gain recognized on the sale of the
eligible timberlands; or

(o) For eligible timberlands held by the taxpayer
for at least a 24-year period beginning on or
after January 1, 2005, all of the gain recognized
on the sale of the eligible timberlands.

(3) Taxpayers claiming this credit must attach a sworn
statement from a forester licensed pursuant to Title
32, chapter 76 that the timberlands for which the
credit is claimed have been managed sustainably. For
the purposes of this subparagraph, "sustainably" means
that the timberlands for which the credit is claimed
have been managed to protect soil productivity and to
maintain or improve stand productivity and timber
quality; known occurrences of threatened or endangered
species and rare or exemplary natural communities;
significant wildlife habitat and essential wildlife
habitat; and water quality, wetlands and riparian

Upon request of the State Tax Assessor, the Director of
the Bureau of Forestry within the Department of
Conservation may provide assistance in determining
whether timberlands for which the credit is claimed
have been managed sustainably. When assistance is
requested under this subparagraph, the director or the
director's designee may enter and examine the
timberlands for the purpose of determining whether the
timberlands have been managed sustainably.

In the case of timberlands owned by an entity that is
treated as a pass-through entity for income tax purposes,
the land must be treated as eligible timberland if ownership
and use of the land by the pass-through entity satisfies the
requirements of this paragraph. If the owner of the
eligible timberlands is an S corporation, the taxpayer must
subtract the owner's pro rata share of the gain. If the
owner of the timberlands is a partnership or limited
liability company taxed as a partnership, the taxpayer must
subtract the taxpayer's distributive share of the gain,
subject to the percentage limitations provided in this

This modification may not reduce Maine taxable income to less
than zero. To the extent this modification results in Maine
taxable income that is less than zero for the taxable year, the
excess negative modification amount may be carried forward and
applied as a subtraction modification for up to 10 taxable years.
The entire amount of the excess negative

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