LD 1666
pg. 1
LD 1666 Title Page An Act To Allow Counties a One-year Exemption For Jail Costs from the Limitatio... LD 1666 Title Page
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LR 2372
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30-A MRSA §706-A, sub-§5, ¶D is enacted to read:

D.__Notwithstanding paragraphs A and B, for fiscal year
2006, all counties with the exception of Lincoln and
Sagadahoc counties may exceed the county assessment limit
without the additional approvals required under subsection 7
to the extent necessary to fund the operational costs of the
county jails.

Sec. 2. New jail funding formula legislation. The Joint Standing Committee
on State and Local Government may report out legislation by March
1, 2006 establishing a new jail funding formula.


This bill exempts county jail costs from the county assessment
for fiscal year 2006 except for those of Lincoln and Sagadahoc
counties. The Joint Standing Committee on State and Local
Government is authorized to report out legislation by March 1,
2006 that establishes a new jail funding formula.

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