LD 1661
pg. 7
Page 6 of 13 An Act To Streamline Higher Education in Maine Page 8 of 13
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LR 407
Item 1

(5)__Responding to the needs and problems of the State
and society; and

(6)__Ensuring the efficient use of resources.

The coordinating council shall develop an implementation
plan for use of the accountability measures.

B.__In developing the accountability measures pursuant to
subsection 1, the coordinating council shall also consider
graduation rates, student retention rates, tuition and fees,
student financial need and available aid, trends in
enrollment and the percentage of incoming students who are
state residents, data on graduates by academic program,
faculty productivity and any other factor that it considers
relevant in providing the board of regents with a greater
degree of accountability in the state system.__In
considering faculty productivity measures, the council shall
consult with the advisory committee established under
section 10605.

C.__The coordinating council shall submit the accountability
measures developed pursuant to subsection 1 and the
implementation plan as provided in paragraph A for use of
the accountability measures to the board of regents for the
board's review and approval.__Once the measures and
implementation plan are approved, each constituent unit
shall provide the data to the board of regents that is
necessary for purposes of applying the measures.

D.__The chair of the coordinating council, on behalf of the
board of regents, shall report to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
education matters on the accountability measures and the
implementation plan developed pursuant to this section by
February 1, 2008.__The report must include recommendations:

(1) For any statutory changes needed for purposes of
assessing the constituent units based on the
accountability measures;

(2) To clarify and streamline planning and
accountability reporting requirements of the
constituent units;

(3) Concerning goals, actions to achieve such goals and
analysis of performance; and

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