LD 1661
pg. 3
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LR 407
Item 1

8.__Compensation.__Members of the board of regents are not
entitled to compensation for their services, but may be reimbursed
for travel and other expenses incurred in the performance of their
official duties.

§10603.__Duties of board of regents; statewide policies

1.__Establishment of statewide policies for higher education.__
The board of regents shall establish statewide policies and
guidelines for the state system, including establishing statewide
policies and guidelines to:

A.__Develop a master plan for higher education and
postsecondary education consistent with the goals in
subsection 2;

B.__Review and approve mission statements for the
constituent units and mission statements for the individual
institutions and branches of the constituent units;

C.__Prepare and present to the Governor and the Legislature
consolidated operating and capital expenditure budgets for
the state system;

D.__Establish statewide tuition and student fee policies and

E.__Establish statewide student financial aid policies and

F.__Monitor and evaluate institutional effectiveness and
viability in accordance with criteria established by the
board of regents;

G.__Merge or close institutions in accordance with criteria
established by the board of regents except that:

(1) A recommended merger or closing requires a 2/3 vote
of the board of regents; and

(2) Notice of the recommended merger or closing must be
sent to the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over education matters;

H.__Review and approve any recommendations for the establishment
of new academic programs submitted to the board of regents by the
constituent unit boards of trustees, and, in consultation with
the affected constituent units, provide for the initiation,
consolidation or termination of

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