LD 1661
pg. 12
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LR 407
Item 1

Following receipt and review of the report, the Joint Standing
Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs may report out
legislation to the 122nd Legislature.

Sec. B-2. Legislation; schedule. Under the direction of the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
education matters, staff from the Office of Policy and Legal
Analysis and the Office of the Revisor of Statutes shall review
those parts of the Maine Revised Statutes and relevant Private
and Special Laws governing the University of Maine System, the
Maine Community College System, the Maine Maritime Academy and
the State Board of Education. The purpose of the review is to
develop legislation to align and consolidate existing law in the
Maine Revised Statutes and relevant Private and Special Laws
necessary to update the provisions proposed in Part A and to
correct any errors and inconsistencies in law that result from
this Act. By November 30, 2006, the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over education matters shall
agree on the format and organization of the relevant provision of
the Maine Revised Statutes and relevant Private and Special Laws.
By November 30, 2007, the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over education matters shall
submit the legislation developed pursuant to this section to the
First Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature.

Sec. B-3. Interim meetings; authorized. The Joint Standing Committee on
Education and Cultural Affairs is authorized to meet as needed,
but at least 3 times, during the 2005 legislative interim to
carry out its responsibilities to oversee planning, service
delivery and implementation issues related to the establishment
of the Board of Regents of Higher Education as the central
policy-making authority for the state system of public higher
education. At these meetings, the Chancellor of the University
of Maine System shall brief the joint standing committee on
planning issues, progress, challenges and the timeline for
implementation. The joint standing committee shall provide
opportunities for trustees, faculty members, administrators,
campus personnel, students, alumni, community officials and
members of the public to speak to the committee. The joint
standing committee may submit legislation to the Second Regular
Session of the 122nd Legislature based on these meetings.

Sec. B-4. Advisory working groups. During the period from July 2005 to
December 2006, the Chancellor of the University of Maine System
shall convene advisory working groups to consider strategic
planning, program delivery and implementation issues related to
the establishment of the state system of public higher education.
The Chancellor of the University of Maine System shall
collaborate with the President of the Maine Community College
System and the President of the Maine Maritime Academy in

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