LD 1652
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Establish a Fair System for the Protection of Volunteer Firefighters'... Page 3 of 3
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LR 2348
Item 1

chief of the volunteer fire department stating that the employee
was responding to an emergency call and the time of the call.

4.__Enforcement; penalty for violation.__If an employer has
violated subsection 2, the employee may bring an action in
Superior Court in the county in which the employee resides or in
the county in which the employer's place of business is located.__
The action must be brought within one year of the date of the
alleged violation.__If the court finds that the employer violated
subsection 2, and if the employee so requests, the court shall
order the employer to reinstate the employee in the employee's
former position without reduction of pay, seniority or other
benefits. The court also shall order any other appropriate remedy
necessary to return the employee to the position the employee
would have been in had the employer not violated subsection 2,
including payment of back pay and reinstatement of any other
benefits lost during the period in which the discharge or
disciplinary action was in effect.

5.__Impact on individual agreements.__This section does not
apply if the employer and the employee have entered into a
written agreement, signed by the employer and the employee, that
governs procedures to be followed when the employee is called to
respond to an emergency as a volunteer firefighter.__This
subsection applies only if:

A.__The local official in charge of calling out firefighters
has a written policy that:

(1)__Specifies the circumstances under which
firefighters will be ordered to remain at an emergency;

(2)__Affirms that firefighters will be released as soon
as practicable; and

B.__The employee presents a copy of the policy to the
employer upon notifying the employer of the employee's
status as a volunteer firefighter.

6.__Designation as essential.__Upon receiving notice of an
employee's volunteer firefighter status, an employer may
designate the employee essential to the employer's operations.


This bill protects a volunteer firefighter from being
discharged or disciplined by an employer on the grounds that the
volunteer firefighter arrives late or does not arrive at work
because the volunteer firefighter is responding to an emergency

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