LD 1646
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act Regarding Buildings on Leased Lots Page 3 of 5
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LR 2269
Item 1

A lessor who fails to prepare and record a full boundary
survey, as required by this section, does not qualify for the
Maine Tree Growth Tax Law for the municipality in which the
leasehold is located.

The cost of a survey for real estate sold pursuant to this
section after June 1, 2007 must be borne by the lessor, who shall
choose the surveyor.__The fee for such a survey may not be
subtracted from the future sale price of said real estate.

Sec. 3. 14 MRSA §6049, as repealed and replaced by PL 2003, c. 510,
Pt. A, §12, is repealed.

Sec. 4. 14 MRSA §6049-A is enacted to read:


A lessee may terminate a lease earlier than the effective date
provided in the lease.

A lessor may not terminate a lease without just cause and the
burden of proof is on the lessor to show just cause.

Termination provisions of a lease to the extent inconsistent
with this section are void, beginning on the date the notice of
termination is provided.

A lessor shall reimburse a lessee for the fair market value of
all improvements on leased real estate, if the lessee's lease is
terminated by the lessor.

Sec. 5. 14 MRSA §6050, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 510, Pt. A, §12,
is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§6050.__Right of first refusal

After October 1, 2005, a lessee of premises on which a
structure owned by the lessee exists has the right of first
refusal for the fair market value of the leasehold with regard to
the leased premises if the lessor intends to sell any real estate
in this State.__The lessor shall give the lessee at least one
year to accept the offer to purchase the leased premises by
certified mail, return receipt requested, restricted delivery.

As used in this section, "fair market value" means the
assessment according to the Department of Administrative and
Financial Services, Bureau of Revenue Services in the unorganized
territory or the assessment by a municipality in an organized

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