LD 1646
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LD 1646 Title Page An Act Regarding Buildings on Leased Lots Page 2 of 5
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LR 2269
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA §6047, sub-§1, as repealed and replaced by PL 2003,
c. 510, Pt. A, §12, is amended to read:

1. Parties to agreement; purposes of agreement. This
chapter applies to agreements between:

A. A person, referred to in this chapter as the "lessor,"
who owns land in territory under jurisdiction of the Maine
Land Use Regulation Commission this State; and

B. A person, referred to in this chapter as the "lessee,"
who intends to construct or to occupy a building or
buildings owned by that person on leased land in territory
under jurisdiction of the Maine Land Use Regulation
Commission this State for recreational or residential
purposes on a seasonal or year-round basis or to operate a
business consisting of a commercial sporting camp,
campground or retail store.

This chapter does not apply to a trailer park, condominium,
timeshare or apartment house.

Sec. 2. 14 MRSA §6048, as repealed and replaced by PL 2003, c.
510, Pt. A, §12, is amended to read:

§6048. Written lease and description required

An agreement described in section 6047 must be made in the
form of a written lease and must include at least a general
description of the boundaries of the land to be leased.

Before June 1, 2007, a lessor shall prepare a full boundary
survey by a professional land surveyor of all leaseholds in its
possession and record a plastic mylar map of this boundary survey
in the registry of deeds for the county in which the real estate
is located.

If a lessor offers to sell the real estate to a lessee for its
fair market value, as defined by section 6050, prior to June 1,
2007, then this conveyance is subject to the same exemptions and
conditions described in sections 6050-A, 6050-B, 6050-C and 6050-

The cost of a survey for real estate sold pursuant to this
section prior to June 1, 2007 must be borne by the lessee, who
shall choose the surveyor.

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