LD 1622
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Page 36 of 37 An Act To Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine LD 1622 Title Page
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The Revisor's Report 2003, chapter 1 corrected a clerical
error in Title 12, section 13056, subsection 2, paragraph G and
provided for an effective date of the correction of 90 days
following adjournment of the Second Regular Session of the 121st
Legislature, which was the original effective date of the law
that enacted Title 12, section 13056. Public Law 2003, chapter
655, Part B, section 422 changed the effective date to August 31,
2004. Section 93 changes the date of the correction to August
31, 2004, and section 94 makes the change retroactive to April
30, 2004, the original effective date of Title 12, section 13056.

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