LD 1611
pg. 1
LD 1611 Title Page An Act To Clarify That Certain Maine Landowner Liability Protection Laws Apply ... LD 1611 Title Page
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LR 1075
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA §159-A, sub-§1, ķA, as amended by PL 1993, c. 622, §1,
is further amended to read:

A. "Premises" means improved and unimproved lands, private
ways, roads, lands within the right-of-way of a portion of a
railroad line that are used as part of a designated
recreational trail or utility corridors that are used as
part of a designated recreational trail, any buildings or
structures on those lands and waters standing on, flowing
through or adjacent to those lands.


This bill adds railroad right-of-ways and utility corridors
that are used as part of a designated recreational trail to the
definition of "premises" in the law that limits a landowner's
liability when allowing recreational activities or harvesting
activities on the lands.

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