LD 1579
pg. 7
Page 6 of 9 An Act To Extend the Ban on Assault Weapons Page 8 of 9
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LR 20
Item 1

warrant is returnable, a libel against the machine gun, assault
weapon or .50 caliber rifle or .50 caliber ammunition, setting
forth the seizure and describing the machine gun, assault weapon or
.50 caliber rifle or .50 caliber ammunition and the place of
seizure in a sufficient manner to reasonably identify it, that it
was possessed in violation of law and pray for a decree of
forfeiture thereof. Such The judge shall fix a time for the hearing
of such libel and shall issue his the monition and notice of same
to all persons interested, citing them to appear at the time and
place appointed to show cause why such machine gun, assault weapon
or .50 caliber rifle or .50 caliber ammunition should not be
declared forfeited, by causing true and attested copies of said the
libel and monition to be posted in 2 public and conspicuous places
in the town and place where such machine gun, assault weapon or .50
caliber rifle or .50 caliber ammunition was seized, 10 days at
least before said the libel is returnable. In addition, a true and
attested copy of the libel and monition shall must be served upon
the person from whom said the machine gun, assault weapon or .50
caliber rifle or .50 caliber ammunition was seized and upon the
owner thereof, if their the person's whereabouts can be readily
ascertained 10 days at least before said the libel is returnable.
In lieu of forfeiture proceedings, title to such seized machine
gun, assault weapon or .50 caliber rifle or .50 caliber ammunition
may be transferred in writing to the State of Maine by the owner
thereof. If title to and ownership in the machine gun, assault
weapon or .50 caliber rifle or .50 caliber ammunition is
transferred to the State, a receipt for the machine gun shall,
assault weapon or .50 caliber rifle or .50 caliber ammunition must
be given to the former owner by the law enforcement officer who
seized the machine gun, assault weapon or .50 caliber rifle or .50
caliber ammunition.

§1054. Forfeiture of machine gun, assault weapon, .50 caliber

rifle or .50 caliber ammunition

If no claimant for a machine gun, assault weapon or .50
caliber rifle or .50 caliber ammunition seized under the
authority of section 1053 appears, the judge shall, on proof of
notice, declare the same to be forfeited to the State. If any
person appears and claims such machine gun, assault weapon or .50
caliber rifle or .50 caliber ammunition, as having a right to the
possession thereof at the time when the same was seized, he the
person shall file with the judge a claim in writing stating
specifically the right so claimed, the foundation thereof, the
item so claimed, any exemption claimed, the time and place of the
seizure and the name of the law enforcement officer who seized
the machine gun, assault weapon or .50 caliber rifle or .50
caliber ammunition, and in it declare that it was not possessed
in violation of this chapter, and state his that person's

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