LD 1505
pg. 9
Page 8 of 12 An Act To Amend the Sentencing Laws Page 10 of 12
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LR 2267
Item 1

management of persons with a high risk of reoffending;

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill:

1. Amends the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 17-A, section
1152, subsection 2 in 2 regards. First, it adds references in
paragraph G to the sentencing alternatives in paragraphs H, I, L
and M since a fine may be imposed in addition to these added
sentencing alternatives as well as those sentencing alternatives
currently listed paragraphs B, D, E and F. Second, a paragraph M
is enacted relative to a split sentence of imprisonment with
administrative release as authorized by chapter 54-G because this
bill creates this new sentencing alternative in Title 17-A,
section 1348-B, subsection 1;

2. Amends Title 17-A, section 1172, subsection 1 by adding a
reference to "deferred disposition" in paragraphs A and B and by
enacting a new paragraph F that imposes a new duty on the
attorney for the State when practicable to make a good faith
effort to inform a crime victim of the right to comment on the
proposed early termination of probation, early termination of
administrative release or conversion of probation to
administrative release;

3. Enacts Title 17-A, section 1174-A, which imposes a new
duty on the attorney for the State after receiving notice of a
motion seeking early termination of probation or early
termination of administrative release or seeking to convert
probation to administrative release to disclose to the court any
attempts made to notify the victim of the motion and any
objection to the motion by the victim. It also provides the
victim a right to be heard on the motion in the event a hearing
is held by the court and the victim is physically present in the

4. Amends Title 17-A, section 1201, subsection 1, paragraph
A-1 by enacting a new subparagraph (1) authorizing probation
following conviction for those Class D and Class E crimes
relative to which, based upon both the written agreement of the
parties and a court finding, the facts and circumstances of the
underlying criminal episode giving rise to the conviction
generated probable cause to believe the defendant had committed a
Class A, Class B or Class C crime in the course of that criminal
episode, and as agreed upon in writing by the parties and found

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