LD 1505
pg. 10
Page 9 of 12 An Act To Amend the Sentencing Laws Page 11 of 12
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LR 2267
Item 1

by the court, the defendant has no prior conviction for murder or
for a Class A, Class B or Class C crime and has not been placed on
probation pursuant to this subparagraph on any prior occasion. The
availability of probation provides the impetus for the attorney for
the State to forego the felony in favor of a misdemeanor
disposition. The bill enacts a new subparagraph (4) to paragraph
A-1 authorizing probation following conviction for a Class D crime
of stalking, a violation of Title 17-A, section 210-A, subsection
1, paragraph A. Currently, probation is authorized for Class D
stalking only if committed against a family or household member.
It enacts a new subparagraph (6) to paragraph A-1 authorizing
probation following conviction for a Class D crime in Title 17-A,
chapter 45 relating to a schedule W drug. Chapter 45 includes
unlawful possession of scheduled drugs as well as various criminal

5. Amends Title 17-A, section 1202, subsection 2 by imposing
on a person on probation the duty to bring a motion pursuant to
the subsection if the probationer, at any time during the period
of probation, cannot meet a requirement imposed by the court or a
community reparations board;

6. Amends Title 17-A, section 1202, subsection 2-A in 3 ways.
First, the word "application" is replaced by the word "motion,"
which more accurately describes the process. Second, a court is
authorized to convert a period of probation imposed for the Class
C crime of operating after habitual offender revocation, pursuant
to Title 29-A, section 2557, to a period of administrative
release. Third, a conversion from probation to administrative
release by a court sought by the probationer, the probation
officer or the court on its own motion is made contingent upon
notice of the motion being provided to the attorney for the State
as well as the probation officer;

7. Amends Title 17-A, section 1202, subsection 3 in 2 ways.
First, the word "application" is replaced by the word "motion."
Second, a termination of probation and discharge by a court
sought by the probationer, the probation officer or the court on
its own motion is made contingent upon notice of the motion being
provided to the attorney for the State as well as the probation

8. Enacts Title 17-A, section 1348-A, subsection 3, which
imposes on the person granted a deferred disposition the duty to
bring a motion pursuant to section 1348-A, subsection 2 if, at
any time during the period of deferment, the person cannot meet a
deferment requirement imposed by the court;

9. Amends Title 17-A, section 1348-B, subsection 1 in 2 ways.
First, it clarifies which party has the burden of proof

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