LD 1449
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act To Amend Maine's Shellfish Laws To Maintain Compliance with Federal Law ... LD 1449 Title Page
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LR 628
Item 1

6. It changes the activities permitted under the shellfish
license to provide that quahogs, other than mahogany quahogs,
that the holder has taken may be sold only to a wholesale seafood
license holder certified under Title 12, section 6856.

7. It changes the activities permitted under the hand-raking
mussel license to provide that mussels that the holder has taken
may be sold only to a wholesale seafood license holder certified
under Title 12, section 6856.

8. It changes the activities permitted under a mussel boat
license to include possessing and transporting mussels within
state limits and selling mussels the holder has taken to a
wholesale seafood license holder certified under Title 12,
section 6856.

9. It changes the licensed activities under a retail seafood
license to provide that the requirement that shellfish be bought
from a wholesale seafood license holder certified under Title 12,
section 6856 applies to both shellstock and shucked shellfish.
It also specifies that the Commissioner of Marine Resources may
adopt rules establishing requirements for retail seafood license

10. It repeals the seafood products inspection program.

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