LD 1449
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act To Amend Maine's Shellfish Laws To Maintain Compliance with Federal Law ... Page 6 of 6
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LR 628
Item 1

Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection must be based on the
particular operational requirements of each activity, the most
recently adopted federal sanitation standards and the most recent
generally accepted research data and must be designed to protect
the public health and safety while allowing reasonable use of
shellfish and whole scallops.__Rules adopted pursuant to this
subsection are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

Sec. 13. 22 MRSA §2152, sub-§4-A, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 331,
§1, is amended to read:

B. Fish and shellfish processing establishments inspected
under Title 12, section 4682, 6101, 6102 or 6856;


This bill makes changes to the shellfish harvesting statutes.

1. It changes the activities permitted under a commercial
shellfish license to state that shellstock the license holder has
taken may be sold only to a wholesale seafood license holder
certified under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 12, section
6856. It also eliminates the ability of a shellfish license
holder to shuck shellfish the holder has taken in the holder's
home and sell those shucked shellfish from that home in the
retail trade.

2. It corrects an inaccurate reference to the date when
shellfish sanitation certificates expire.

3. It adds mahogany quahogs, other quahogs, hand-raked
mussels and dragged mussels to the licenses under which the
holder must tag shellstock with a harvester's tag. It eliminates
the exemption of shellfish license holders certified under Title
12, section 6856 from having to tag their shellfish at the time
of harvest.

4. It allows the Department of Marine Resources to make the
summary description of municipal shellfish ordinances available
to the public in ways other than publication in a trade or
industry journal.

5. It changes the activities permitted under a mahogany
quahog license to provide that quahogs the holder has taken may
be sold only to a wholesale seafood license holder certified
under Title 12, section 6856.

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