LD 1342
pg. 7
Page 6 of 7 An Act Reducing Oversight Expense for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants To B... LD 1342 Title Page
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LR 570
Item 1

Commission settlement related to decommissioning the facility that
was unopposed and approved in August 2004.

In particular, Part A of the bill establishes a single
assessment to be paid by the licensee for all state activities
related to the site, including safety, radiation and
environmental monitoring and security. The single annual payment
to the State is $360,000 for calendar years 2006 and 2007 and
$170,000 every year thereafter until the spent fuel is removed
from the site and the interim spent fuel storage installation is
finally decommissioned. Part A also eliminates the requirement
in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35-A for particular
monitoring and reporting of routine radioactive releases, which
no longer occur.

Part B of the bill eliminates funding for the State Nuclear
Safety Inspector position effective September 2005, as well as
the various fees associated with specific testing and monitoring

Part C eliminates, after the payment made in July 2005, the
requirement that Maine Yankee reimburse the Department of
Environmental Protection for costs incurred by the department in
conducting activities related to the decommissioning. All fees
eliminated in the bill are consolidated into the single
assessment imposed in Part A of the bill, to be allocated by the
State at its discretion.

The Department of Health and Human Services and the Department
of Environmental Protection continue to be the primary agencies
responsible for continued oversight of these activities.

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