LD 1342
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 An Act Reducing Oversight Expense for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants To B... Page 7 of 7
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LR 570
Item 1

actual costs incurred in conducting activities related to
decommissioning by the department's regular or project staff or by
the department's contractors. Reimbursement charges may not exceed
$70,000 in fiscal year 1997-98 or $100,000 in fiscal year 1998-99.
Reimbursement charges may not exceed $50,000 for each remaining
year of decommissioning activity. Payments required under this
section cease upon the July 2005 payment of $50,000 to the
department in fiscal year 2005-06.

Sec. C-2. PL 1997, c. 700, §10 is amended to read:

*Sec. 10. Payment by Maine Yankee Atomic Power Plant. The Maine Yankee
Atomic Power Plant shall pay $25,000 by July 1st of each year to
the Department of Environmental Protection to support legislative
allocations to the department associated with the Advisory
Commission on Radioactive Waste and Decommissioning. Payments
required under this section cease on the date of the final
operating license termination of the Maine Yankee Atomic Power
Plant that the former plant site, except for the spent fuel
storage facility, is released from operating license requirements
by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Any unobligated balance
remaining must be returned to may be used by the department to
pay costs incurred in overseeing and monitoring the site of the
Maine Yankee Atomic Power Plant until the balance is exhausted.


The State's only nuclear generating unit, known as Maine
Yankee, permanently ceased operations in 1997, began the process
of dismantlement and decontamination in 1998 and has completed
more than 95% of that physical decommissioning process. With the
imminent completion of physical decommissioning of the nuclear
generating unit, the State's monitoring and oversight activities
will change significantly. This bill ensures that monitoring
and oversight of the site and the interim spent fuel storage
installation will continue as necessary and will continue to be
funded by the nuclear generating facility. The bill reorganizes
the State's oversight and monitoring functions and repeals or
sets the schedule for repeal of statutory provisions to eliminate
unnecessary regulatory oversight functions and related fees that
are charged to electric ratepayers.

Certain state monitoring and oversight activities and costs
related to an operating nuclear facility, such as emissions
reporting and waste transport fees, are also repealed. This
reorganization and establishment of a new assessment level on the
licensee was part of a recent Federal Energy Regulatory

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