LD 1302
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 Resolve, Establishing The Task Force To Study Cervical Cancer Prevention, Detec... Page 4 of 4
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LR 1508
Item 1

1. Obtain statistical and qualitative data on the prevalence
and incidence of cervical cancer in Maine;

2. Raise public awareness of the causes and nature of
cervical cancer, personal risk factors, value of prevention,
early detection, options for testing, treatment costs, new
technology and medical care reimbursement;

3. Identify preventive strategies and new technologies,
including newly introduced vaccines that are effective in
preventing and controlling the risk of cervical cancer;

4. Identify and examine the limitations of existing laws,
regulations, programs and services regarding coverage and
awareness of cervical cancer;

5. Develop, in consultation with the Department of Health and
Human Services, a statewide comprehensive cervical cancer
prevention plan and strategies for plan implementation and for
promoting the plan to the general public, state and local elected
officials and various public and private organizations,
associations, businesses, industries and agencies;

6. Facilitate coordination and communication among state and
local agencies and organizations regarding their involvement in
achieving the aims of the task force plan; and

7. Consider reports and testimony from individuals, local
health departments, community-based organizations, voluntary
health organizations and other public and private organizations
statewide to learn more about their contributions to cervical
cancer diagnosis, prevention and treatment and their ideas for
improving prevention, diagnosis and treatment in Maine; and be it

Sec. 8. Staff assistance. Resolved: That the Legislative Council shall
provide necessary staffing services to the task force; and be it

Sec. 9. Compensation. Resolved: That public members not otherwise
compensated by their employers or other entities that they
represent are entitled to receive reimbursement of necessary
expenses for their attendance at authorized meetings of the task
force; and be it further

Sec. 10. Report. Resolved: That, no later than April 1, 2006, the
task force shall submit an initial report that includes its
findings and recommendations, including suggested legislation,
for presentation to the Joint Standing Committee on

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