LD 1169
pg. 22
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LR 985
Item 1

2.__Court jurisdiction.__An illegal gaming machine and any
monetary contents may be declared forfeited by any court that has
jurisdiction over the illegal machine or final jurisdiction over
any related criminal proceeding brought under this chapter or by
the Superior Court for Kennebec County.__Property subject to
forfeiture may be kept or stored at any location within the
territorial boundaries of the State and is subject to the authority
of any court in which a petition seeking the forfeiture of that
property is filed.

3.__Procedure.__Forfeitures under this section must be
accomplished by the following procedure.

A.__A district attorney or the Attorney General may petition
the Superior Court in the name of the State in the nature of
a proceeding in rem to order forfeiture of an illegal gaming
machine__and any monetary contents.__The petition must be
filed in the court having jurisdiction over the property.

B.__The proceeding is an in rem civil action, in which the
State has the burden of proving all material facts by a
preponderance of the evidence.

C.__The court shall order the State to give notice of the
pendency of the action and the right to be heard by
certified or registered mail or hand delivery by a deputy
sheriff to any person who appears to have an interest in the
illegal machine__and any monetary contents.__Receipt by a
person then licensed to operate a motor vehicle in the State
is presumed when notice is mailed to the last known address
of that person on file with the Department of the Secretary
of State, Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

D.__The court shall promptly, but not less than 2 weeks
after notice, hold a hearing on the petition under paragraph
A after an answer is filed by a person served with notice
under paragraph C.__At the hearing, the court shall hear
evidence and make findings of fact and enter conclusions of

E.__Based on the findings and conclusions, the court shall
issue a final order from which the parties have a right of
appeal.__The final order must provide for disposition of the
illegal gaming machine and any monetary contents by the
State.__Any revenue generated by the disposition of the
illegal machine__and any monetary contents of the machine
must be used to pay the reasonable expenses of the
forfeiture proceedings, seizure, storage, maintenance of
custody, advertising and notice.__The balance, if any, must
be deposited in the General Fund.

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