LD 1113
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act To Create the Fryeburg Water District Page 4 of 4
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LR 897
Item 1

the check may be served on any one of the owners. The assessors
shall also serve the condemnation order upon any mortgagees of
record in hand, or by certified mail to the last known address of
the mortgagees. Title passes to the Fryeburg Water District upon
service of the condemnation order and check upon the owner or
owners, or upon the recording of the condemnation order and the
plan, whichever occurs first. Any person aggrieved by the
determination of the damages awarded to the owner or owners of the
property interests taken may, within 30 days after the day title
passes to the corporation, appeal the determination of damages to
the Oxford County Superior Court pursuant to Maine Rules of Civil
Procedure, Rule 80B.

Sec. 10. Continue to provide water. Nothing in this Act is intended to
alter or affect or may be interpreted as altering or affecting
the district's continuing to provide water service to the
existing customers of the Fryeburg Water Company, including those
customers that are located outside the district's territory.

Sec. 11. Referendum; effective date. This Act takes effect when
approved only for the purpose of permitting its submission to the
legal voters within the territory described in section 1 at an
election called for that purpose and held within 3 years of the
effective date of this Act. The election must be called,
advertised and conducted according to the law relating to
municipal elections, except that the registrar of voters is not
required to prepare or the clerk to post a new list of voters.
For the purpose of registration of voters, the registrar of
voters must be in session the secular day preceding the election.
The subject matter of this Act is reduced to the following

Question A:

"Do you favor creating the Fryeburg Water District?"

Question B:

"Do you favor permitting the Fryeburg Water District to
acquire the assets of the Fryeburg Water Company?"

Sections 1 to 7, 9 and 10 take effect for all purposes upon
acceptance of Question A by a majority of the legal voters of the
district. Failure to achieve the necessary approval does not
prevent subsequent referenda held within 3 years of the effective
date of this Act. Section 8 of this Act takes effect for all
purposes immediately upon acceptance of Question B by a majority
of the legal voters of the district. Failure to achieve the
necessary approval does not prevent subsequent referenda held
within 3 years of the effective date of this Act.

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