LD 1113
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act To Create the Fryeburg Water District Page 3 of 4
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LR 897
Item 1

Town of Fryeburg by the voters in accordance with this Act. The
terms of the first board are governed by the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 35-A, section 6410.

Sec. 7. Terms of trustees. After the election of the first board,
trustees are elected to 3-year terms.

Sec. 8. Authorized to acquire property and franchise of Fryeburg Water Company.
The district, through its trustees, may acquire by purchase the
plants, properties, assets, franchises, rights and privileges
owned by the Fryeburg Water Company, including all lands, waters,
water rights, reservoirs, pipes, machinery, fixtures, hydrants,
tools and all apparatus and appliances used or usable in
supplying water in the area of the district.

The sale and transfer by the Fryeburg Water Company to the
district of its plants, properties, assets, franchises, rights
and privileges; the assumption by the district of all of the
outstanding debts, obligations and liabilities of the district
pursuant to this section; and the subsequent use of the plants,
properties, assets, franchises, rights and privileges by the
district within the limits of the district are subject to the
approval of the Public Utilities Commission as may be required by
the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35-A, Part 1.

Sec. 9. Eminent domain. Subject to the provisions of this section,
the Fryeburg Water District has the right of eminent domain and
may exercise that right to acquire real estate or interests in
real estate for the purposes of acquiring an underground water
supply and to adequately provide for the storage, distribution or
transmission of that water. Eminent domain powers may be
exercised only for those purposes and only if the assessors
determine that public exigency requires the immediate taking of
those property interests, the corporation is unable to purchase
those property interests for what the assessors consider
reasonable valuation or the title is defective. In order to
exercise this power, the assessors shall file with the clerk of
the corporation and record in the Oxford County Registry of Deeds
a written condemnation order and a plan of the property interest
to be taken. The condemnation order must include a detailed
description of the property interest to be taken, with reference
to the plan, the name or names of the owner or owners of record
as can be reasonably determined and the amount of damages
determined by the assessors to be just compensation for the
property interests taken. The assessors shall then serve upon
the owner or owners of record in hand, or by certified mail to
the last known address of the owner or owners, a copy of the
condemnation order and a check in the amount of damages awarded.
In the event of multiple ownership,

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