LD 1020
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LR 2244
Item 1

employed in this State in an eligible employment position and who
has met other eligibility criteria established by rule of the

§12534.__Loan repayment agreement application

Beginning January 1, 2006, an eligible individual who has
outstanding student loans from financial institutions may apply
to obtain one or more program loan repayment agreements under
section 12533.__Applications must be submitted to the authority
at a time and in a format to be determined by the authority.

§12535.__Maximum loan repayment; participation

The maximum program loan repayment amount available to each
eligible individual is $5,000 per year for a maximum of 4 years.

§12536.__Payment provisions

The authority shall enter into a program loan repayment
agreement with an eligible individual on terms and conditions
that are acceptable to the authority and that at a minimum must
require the eligible individual and the eligible individual's
employer to certify annually, before payment of any installment
by the authority under the program loan repayment agreement, that
the eligible individual has been employed in an eligible
employment position for the preceding 12-month period. Payment of
any installment by the authority, including matching funds
provided to the authority by the employer, must be made directly
for credit to the eligible individual's account at the financial
institution certified by the eligible individual as responsible
for administration of that individual's student loans.

§12537.__Nonlapsing revolving fund

1.__Creation of fund. The Maine Recruitment and Retention
Program Fund, referred to in this section as "the fund," is
created as a nonlapsing, interest-earning, revolving fund to
carry out the purposes of this chapter. The fund must be
deposited with and maintained and administered by the authority.
Any unexpended balance in the fund carries over for continued use
under this chapter. The authority may receive, invest and expend
on behalf of the fund money from gifts, grants, bequests, loans
and donations in addition to money appropriated or allocated by
the State. Money received by the authority on behalf of the fund,
except interest income, must be used for the purposes of this
chapter; interest income may be used for the purposes of this
chapter or to pay administrative costs incurred by the authority,
as determined appropriate by the authority.

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