LD 1003
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LD 1003 Title Page An Act To Establish the Androscoggin County Budget Advisory Committee and the S... Page 2 of 6
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LR 1624
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30-A MRSA c. 3, sub-c. 1, art. 2, as amended, is repealed.

Sec. 2. 30-A MRSA c. 3, sub-c. 1, art. 2-A is enacted to read:



§728.__Budget; appropriations; approval

Notwithstanding sections 2, 701 and 702, in Androscoggin
County the county commissioners may appropriate money according
to a budget that must be approved by a majority of the county

§728-A.__Interim budget

If the budget under section 728 is not approved before the
start of a fiscal year, until a budget is finally adopted the
county shall operate on an interim budget, which may not exceed
80% of the previous year's budget.

§728-B.__Advisory committee

The Androscoggin County Budget Advisory Committee, referred to
in this article as "the committee," is established as provided in
this section.

1.__Committee membership.__ The committee consists of 11
members who are chosen by the following procedure.

A.__Two municipal officers from each of the 3 county
commissioner districts and one representative of the general
public from each of the 3 county commissioner districts are
chosen by the municipal officers from each county
commissioner district, and 2 members of the county
legislative delegation are chosen by the members of the
county legislative delegation.__Committee members
representing municipal officers and the general public serve
3-year terms, except for the initial members, whose terms
are provided in subsection 2, paragraph B. If a committee
member who is a municipal officer ceases to be a municipal
officer during the term of membership, that committee member
vacates membership.

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