LD 982
pg. 8
Page 7 of 22 An Act To Revise the Charter of the Kennebunk Sewer District Page 9 of 22
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LR 818
Item 1

The district may seek in a civil action injunctive relief from an
industrial user that violates any pretreatment standard or
requirement administered by the district. The district may seek a
civil penalty of up to $1,000 a day for each violation by an
industrial user of the pretreatment standard or requirement.

Sec. 14. Property tax exemption. The property and franchises of the
district are forever exempt from taxation.

Sec. 15. Bonds and notes. The district may authorize bonds and

1. The district may provide by resolution of its board of
trustees, without district vote, except as provided in section
16, for the borrowing of money and the issuance from time to time
of bonds, subject to the debt limitation set in this section, for
any of its corporate purposes, including, but not limited to:

A. Paying and refunding its indebtedness;

B. Paying any necessary expenses and liabilities, whether
incurred by the district or the Town of Kennebunk, the
district being authorized to reimburse the Town of Kennebunk
for any such expenses incurred or paid by it;

C. Paying costs directly or indirectly associated with
acquiring properties, paying damages, laying sewers, drains
and conduits, constructing, maintaining and operating sewage
and treatment plants or systems and making renewals,
additions, extensions and improvements to the same and
covering interest payments during the period of construction
and for the period after construction as the trustees may
determine; and

D. Providing reserves for debt service, repairs and
replacements or other capital or current expenses as may be
required by a trust agreement or resolution securing bonds.

Bonds may be issued as general obligations of the district or as
special obligations payable solely from particular funds. The
total outstanding and unpaid indebtedness of the district may not
at any one time exceed the sum of $16,000,000. The principal of
and premium if any and interest on all bonds are payable solely
from the funds provided for that purpose from revenues.
"Revenues" means and includes the proceeds of bonds, all
revenues, rates, fees, entrance charges, assessments, rents and
other receipts derived by the district from the operation of its
sewer system and other properties, including, but not limited to,

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