LD 982
pg. 7
Page 6 of 22 An Act To Revise the Charter of the Kennebunk Sewer District Page 8 of 22
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LR 818
Item 1

constructing or maintaining manholes or catch basins or their
appurtenances or for any other purpose, the work must be done
expeditiously. Upon completion of the work, the district shall
restore the way or land to the condition it was in prior to the
work or to a condition equally as good. Whenever the character of
the work is such that it endangers travel on a public way, the
municipal officers of the Town of Kennebunk may order a temporary
closing of the way and of any intersecting way upon request of the
district. The way must remain closed to public travel until the
municipal officers determine it restored to a condition safe for

Sec. 13. Enforcement of laws and rules. The district manager, engineer
or other official designated by district rule with the authority
to enforce the provisions of this Act or the rules adopted under
this Act may:

1. With the consent of the owner, occupant or agent or
pursuant to an administrative inspection warrant issued by a
District Court Judge as provided in the Maine Rules of Civil
Procedure, Rule 80E, enter at reasonable hours any property or
building to inspect the property or building for compliance with
the district's rules. A district official's entry onto property
under this paragraph is not a trespass;

2. Issue a summons to any person who violates this Act or any
district rule; and

3. Represent the district in District Court in the
prosecution of alleged violations of this Act or any district

A person, including without limitation a landowner, the
landowner's agent or a contractor, who violates a provision of
this Act or a district rule or injures the district's property by
discharging or otherwise permitting an offensive or injurious
material or matter to enter the district's system is liable for a
minimum civil penalty of $100 and a maximum civil penalty of
$2,500 per day for each violation; damages to compensate the
district for injury to its property; the expenses, including a
reasonable amount for administration and overhead, the district
incurs to abate the violation; a temporary restraining order, to
enjoin, correct or abate the violation; and an award of
reasonable attorney's fees, expert fees, interest and costs.

All proceedings arising under this Act or the district's rules
are brought in the name of the district in the District Court.
All fines, damages and awards of expenses for the cost to abate a
violation, awards of attorney's fees, expert fees, costs and
interest must be paid to and are the property of the district.

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