LD 629
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Enhance Community Support for Anadromous Fish Restoration LD 629 Title Page
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LR 1183
Item 1

9.__Fees.__A municipality that has the right to take alewives
under subsection 1 may collect fees from the sale or lease of its
alewife harvesting rights.

Sec. 3. Report on fishing rights for migratory fish. The Commissioner of
Marine Resources shall submit a report, no later than January 31,
2007, to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over marine resources matters regarding the
feasibility of the extension of municipal rights to take alewives
to include the right to take other migratory fish, including, but
not limited to, American shad and rainbow smelt. The joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
marine resources matters may report out a bill to the First
Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature in response to the


This bill requires the Commissioner of Marine Resources to
grant the right to take alewives to any municipality that meets
certain conditions. Current law requires that municipal rights
to take alewives lapse if not exercised for 3 years. This bill
eliminates that restriction. The bill also clarifies that any
municipality that has the right to take alewives is authorized to
collect fees from the sale or lease of alewife fishing rights.
The bill also requires the Commissioner of Marine Resources to
report on extending municipal rights to take alewives to include
the right to take other migratory fish.

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