LD 629
pg. 1
LD 629 Title Page An Act To Enhance Community Support for Anadromous Fish Restoration Page 2 of 2
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LR 1183
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §6131, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 661, §5, is
amended to read:

1. Alewife rights. The commissioner shall grant the right,
exclusive or otherwise, to take alewives to any municipality
entitled to those rights on January 1, 1974 and may shall grant
the right to take alewives to any other municipality provided:

A. Any municipality that has had the right to take
alewives, exclusive or otherwise, or is granted that right
by the commissioner, shall take action through its
legislative body and file a copy of this action with the
commissioner prior to April 20th or lose that right for the
remaining part of that year;

B. Municipal rights in existence on January 1, 1974 which
are not exercised for 3 consecutive years shall lapse;

C. At its annual meeting the municipality may determine by

(1) Whether alewife fishing will be operated by the
municipality through the municipal officers or a
committee; and

(2) Whether the municipal rights to take alewives will be
sold by the municipal officers or committee; and

D. Harvesting plans shall must be developed as follows.

(1) Any municipality engaged in harvesting alewives shall
submit a written harvesting plan to the commissioner
prior to April 20th of each calendar year. All
harvesting plans shall must set forth in detail the
exact conditions under which alewives may be taken, all
in accordance with good conservation practices.

(2) The commissioner, after consultation with the
appropriate municipal officers, shall approve or modify
the harvesting plan as he deems the commissioner
considers necessary for the conservation of alewives
and other anadromous fish, and shall file a copy of the
approved plan with the clerk of the municipality.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §6131, sub-§9 is enacted to read:

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