LD 561
pg. 1
LD 561 Title Page An Act To Rename the Bangor Mental Health Institute the Dorothea Dix Center for... Page 2 of 2
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LR 306
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 34-B MRSA c. 1, sub-c. 2-B is enacted to read:



§1301.__Dorothea Dix Award

The commissioner shall establish the Dorothea Dix Award, which
recognizes and honors outstanding achievement in improving
policies pertaining to people living with mental illness or
mental disabilities.__The award must be made on April 4th of each
odd-numbered year at the Dorothea Dix Center for Public Service.__
The Governor shall present the award.

1.__Eligibility.__A person who is a Maine resident or has
direct long-standing ties with Maine is eligible to win the

2.__Dorothea Dix Award Selection Committee; established.__The
Dorothea Dix Award Selection Committee, known in this subchapter
as "the committee," is established and consists of the following
4 members:

A.__One member must be a representative of an organization
that advocates for people with mental illness and their
families, chosen by the Governor;

B.__One member must be from an organization that advocates
for the legal rights of people living with disabilities,
chosen by the President of the Senate;

C.__One member must be from an organization that advocates
for people with mental disabilities, chosen by the Speaker
of the House of Representatives; and

D.__One member must be a representative from an organization
that advocates for children living with mental illness or
mental disabilities, chosen by the Attorney General.

2.__Selection procedure.__Any person may nominate a candidate
for the award.__The committee shall develop a review and
selection procedure.

Sec. 2. 34-B MRSA §3201, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 459, §7, is
amended to read:

§3201. Maintenance

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