LD 509
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Page 71 of 183 An Act To Adopt the Maine Uniform Securities Act Page 73 of 183
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LR 441
Item 1

security under Section 18(b)(4)(D) of the federal Securities Act of
1933, 15 United States Code, Section 77r(b)(4)(D) that is not
otherwise exempt under sections 16201 to 16203 may not be sold in
this State unless the following records are filed with the
administrator no later than 15 days after the first sale in this

A.__A notice on "Form D," including the Appendix, as
promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission;

B.__A consent to service of process complying with Section
16611, signed by the issuer; and

C.__The payment of a nonrefundable fee of $300 per type or
class of security sold.

A notice filer making a filing between 16 and 30 days after
the first sale in this State shall pay an additional
nonrefundable late filing fee of $500.

4. Stop orders.__Except with respect to a federal covered
security under Section 18(b)(1) of the federal Securities Act of
1933, 15 United States Code, Section 77r(b)(1), if the
administrator finds that there is a failure to comply with a
notice or fee requirement of this section or any rule adopted
under this section, the administrator may issue a stop order
suspending the offer and sale of a federal covered security in
this State. If the deficiency is corrected, the stop order is
void as of the time of its issuance and no penalty may be imposed
by the administrator.

5.__Other federal covered securities.__Unless the
administrator provides otherwise by rule, any other federal
covered security may be offered and sold in this State in
reliance on its being a federal covered security without the
filing of a notice or the payment of a fee.

6.__Rulemaking.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are
routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2-A.

Official Comments

No Prior Provision.

1. The little used "registration by notification" in the 1956
Act Section 302 or "registration by filing" in RUSA Section 302
are omitted from this Act because of the notice filing approach
required by Section 18(b)(2) of the Securities Act of

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