LD 509
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Page 13 of 183 An Act To Adopt the Maine Uniform Securities Act Page 15 of 183
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LR 441
Item 1

in paragraph F or G, regardless of the size of their assets,
except a trust that includes as participants self-directed
individual retirement accounts or similar self-directed plans;

I.__An organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code, 26 United States Code, Section
501(c)(3), a corporation, a Massachusetts trust or similar
business trust, a limited liability company or partnership,
not formed for the specific purpose of acquiring the
securities offered, with total assets in excess of

J.__A small business investment company licensed by the
United States Small Business Administration under Section
301(c) of the federal Small Business Investment Act of 1958,
15 United States Code, Section 681(c) with total assets in
excess of $5,000,000;

K.__A private business development company as defined in
Section 202(a)(22) of the federal Investment Advisers Act of
1940, 15 United States Code, Section 80b-2(a)(22) with total
assets in excess of $5,000,000;

L.__A federal covered investment adviser acting for its own

M.__A qualified institutional buyer as defined in 17 Code of
Federal Regulations, 230.144A(a)(1), except as defined in 17
Code of Federal Regulations 230.144A(a)(1)(i)(H);

N.__A major U.S. institutional investor as defined in 17
Code of Federal Regulations, 240.15a-6(b)(4)(i);

O.__Any other person, other than an individual, of
institutional character with total assets in excess of
$10,000,000 not organized for the specific purpose of
evading this chapter; or

P.__Any other person specified by rule adopted or order
issued under this chapter.__Rules adopted pursuant to this
paragraph are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

12.__Insurance company. "Insurance company" means a company
organized as an insurance company whose primary business is
writing insurance or reinsuring risks underwritten by insurance
companies and that is subject to supervision by the
Superintendent of Insurance or a similar official or agency of a

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