LD 159
pg. 1
LD 159 Title Page An Act To Restrict Undocumented Mortgage Agreements LD 159 Title Page
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LR 648
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 33 MRSA §506 is enacted to read:

§506.__Undocumented mortgage agreements

In a residential mortgage loan closing, a buyer, seller,
licensed real estate professional or settlement agent may not
knowingly be a party to a financial or other arrangement not
reflected in the loan settlement statement if the effect of that
arrangement is to substantially overstate the contract sales


This bill prohibits real estate buyers, sellers and closing
agents from agreeing to side deals not reflected on closing
documents if those side deals have the effect of overstating the
value of the contract sales price.

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