LD 155
pg. 1
LD 155 Title Page Resolve, To Direct the Department of Transportation To Build a Truck Escape Ram... LD 155 Title Page
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LR 1147
Item 1

Sec. 1. Escape ramp to be built on Route 16. Resolved: That the Department
of Transportation shall construct a truck escape ramp on the
downgrade on westbound Route 16 from Moscow to Bingham
approaching Route 201. For purposes of this resolve, a "truck
escape ramp" is a ramp the purpose of which is to slow and stop
away from the main stream of traffic those vehicles that are out
of control due to a loss of braking ability. The department
shall determine the best location for the truck escape ramp. In
designing the truck escape ramp, the department shall consider
using a 10% uphill grade with a stone bed. The department shall
post signs informing vehicle operators of the presence of the
truck escape ramp and the maximum safe speeds for vehicles on the
downgrade based upon the weights of vehicles.


This resolve requires the Department of Transportation to
construct on Route 16 in Bingham a truck escape ramp to slow and
stop away from the main stream of traffic those vehicles that are
out of control due to a loss of braking ability.

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