LD 130
pg. 15
Page 14 of 22 An Act To Establish a Single-payor Health Care System Page 16 of 22
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LR 241
Item 1

with experience in the delivery and organization of primary and
preventive care and public health services.__At least one member of
the council must be an individual who is not a health care provider
and has not worked for a health care provider or health__insurer.__
Members of the council shall devote full time to their duties.

2.__Terms.__The terms of the members are staggered.__Of the
initial appointees, one must be appointed for one year, one for 2
years and one for 3 years.__Thereafter, all appointments are for
5-year terms, except that a member appointed to fill a vacancy in
an unexpired term serves only for the remainder of that term.__
Members hold office until the appointment and confirmation of
their successors.

3.__Chair; voting.__The Governor shall designate one member of
the council as chair.__The chair shall preside at meetings of the
council, is responsible for the expedient organization of the
agency's work and may vote on all matters before the council.__
Two council members constitute a quorum.__The council may take
action only by an affirmative vote of at least 2 members.

4.__Duties.__The council shall direct, administer and oversee
the agency in the performance of its duties under this chapter.__
The council shall annually prepare a state health plan in
accordance with Title 2, chapter 5.__The council has broad
authority to carry out the purposes of this chapter.

Sec. A-2. Working capital advance. The State Controller shall transfer
a $400,000 working capital advance to the dedicated account of
the Maine Health Care Trust Fund on the effective date of this
Part. The Maine Health Care Agency shall repay this working
capital advance by June 30, 2007.

Sec. A-3. Effective date. This Part takes effect January 1, 2006.


Sec. B-1. Maine Health Care Plan Transition Advisory Committee.

1. Establishment. The Maine Health Care Plan Transition
Advisory Committee is established to advise the members of the
Maine Health Care Council as established in the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 22, section 377.

2. Membership. The committee consists of 20 members, who are
appointed as specified in this subsection and are subject to
confirmation by the Legislature.

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