LD 130
pg. 14
Page 13 of 22 An Act To Establish a Single-payor Health Care System Page 15 of 22
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Item 1

proposed budget with levels of premiums and assessments and taxes
under Title 36, section 4365.__Funding for the agency budget
approved by the Legislature is paid from the fund.

11.__Coordination with federal, state and local health care
systems.__The agency shall institute a system to coordinate the
activities of the agency and the plan with the health care
programs of the federal, state and municipal governments.

12.__Reports.__On or before January 1st of each year, the
agency shall submit to the Governor and the Legislature a report
of its operations and activities during the previous year,
including its operations and activity with respect to the
funding, tax and budget requirements pursuant to subsection 10.__
This report must include facts and suggestions and policy
recommendations that the agency considers necessary.__As it
determines appropriate, the agency shall publish and disseminate
information helpful to the citizens of this State in making
informed choices in obtaining health care, including the results
of studies or analyses undertaken by the agency.

13.__Advisory committees.__The agency may appoint advisory
committees to advise and assist the agency.__Members of those
committees serve without compensation but may be reimbursed by
the agency for necessary expenses while on official business of
the committee.

14.__Headquarters.__The agency's central office must be in the
Augusta area, but the agency may hold hearings and sessions at
any place in the State.

15.__Seal.__The agency may have a seal bearing the words
"Maine Health Care Agency."

§377.__Maine Health Care Council

The Maine Health Care Council is established as the decision-
making and directing council for the agency.

1.__Membership.__The council is composed of 3 members,
appointed by the Governor and, within 30 days after
authorization, subject to review by the joint standing committee
of the Legislature having jurisdiction over insurance and
financial services matters and the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human
services matters and to confirmation by the Legislature.

Persons eligible for appointment to the council must have had
experience in the organization, delivery or financing of health
care.__At least one member of the council must be an individual

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