LD 111
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Promote Health Insurance Coverage for Employees of Small Businesses ... Page 3 of 3
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LR 119
Item 1

sent by first class mail to the last known mailing address of
the member or employee.

E.__The member or employee has 31 days from the receipt of
the election and premium notice form from the insurer under
paragraph D in which to elect continued coverage in writing
to the insurer and make the initial premium payment to the
insurer.__After the election, the insurer shall bill the
member or employee for premiums once each month with a due
date on the first of the month of coverage subject to any
grace period for payment pursuant to this Title.

F.__An insurer is not required to continue coverage under a
group or individual policy if the member or employee meets
the conditions set out in subsection 3, paragraph A.

G.__The payment for continued group coverage under this
subsection may not exceed 102% of the group rate in effect
for a group member in the employer's group policy, including
an employer's contribution, if any.

H.__At the option of the member or employee, the continued
group coverage may cover the member or employee, the member
or employee and any dependents or only the dependents of the
member or employee; however, if the continued group coverage
is for a dependent of the member or employee, the dependent
must have been covered for a period of at least 3 months
under the group policy, unless the dependent was not
eligible for coverage until after the beginning of the 3-
month period.

I.__Except as provided in paragraph J, coverage provided
under this subsection continues for a maximum of 18 months
from the date of termination of the prior coverage.

J.__Coverage provided under this subsection may be
terminated sooner than provided under paragraph I if:

(1)__The member or employee fails to make timely
payment of a required premium amount;

(2)__The member or employee becomes eligible for
coverage under another group policy or becomes entitled
to benefits under Title XVIII of the Social Security
Act; or

(3)__The group health policy is terminated.

K.__At the expiration of any continued group coverage obtained
under this subsection, the member or employee has

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