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LR 328
Item 1

and c. 104, Pt. C, §§8 and 10, is further amended by adding at
the end a new paragraph to read:

The appropriation limitations set forth in section 5721-A are
applicable to the appropriations and revenues of plantations.


Sec. H-1. 36 MRSA Pt. 11 is enacted to read:





§7301.__Tax reduction goal

It is the goal and policy of the State that by 2015 the total
state and local tax burden be reduced to the national average
total state and local tax burden, as determined by the United
States Census Bureau's most recent tax burden analysis, adjusted
by the assessor to reflect the State's unique expenditure tax
relief programs.

§7302.__Progress reporting

1.__Independent commission; membership.__In consultation with
the Legislative Council, the Governor shall establish an
independent commission to separately assess and report on the
progress made by the State, municipalities, counties and school
administrative units, respectively, in achieving the tax burden
reduction goal established in section 7301.__The Governor shall
appoint as members to serve on the commission persons with
pertinent knowledge and expertise in economic development,
government finance, tax policy and business matters.__The
Governor shall designate a member to serve as chair of the
commission.__The commission may seek and receive outside funds to
fund the costs of the commission.

2.__Indicators; annual report.__With reference to Title 5,
chapter 142; Title 20-A, section 15671, subsection 1; and Title
30-A, sections 706-A and 5721-A, the commission shall develop and
apply specific, quantifiable performance indicators against which
the progress in achieving the tax burden reduction goal
established in section 7301 can be measured.__On January 15, 2006
and annually thereafter, the commission shall report to the

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