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Page 62 of 70 An Act To Increase the State Share of Education Costs, Reduce Property Taxes an... Page 64 of 70
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LR 328
Item 1

the State Tax Assessor be less than in the prior fiscal year. The
maximum payment amount must be rounded down to the nearest $50.

2. Income eligibility. Single-member households with
household incomes in excess of $25,700 $50,000 and households
with 2 or more members with a household income in excess of
$40,000 $75,000 are not eligible for a benefit.

Sec. F-4. 36 MRSA §6209, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1989, c. 508, §25,
is further amended to read:

1. Household limitation adjustment. Beginning March 1, 1989,
and annually thereafter, the The State Tax Assessor shall
determine annually the household income eligibility adjustment
factor. That factor shall must be multiplied by the applicable
income limitations in section sections 6206 and 6207, as
previously adjusted according to this subsection, applicable for
the year prior to that for which relief is requested. The result
shall must be rounded to the nearest $100 and shall apply applies
to the year for which relief is requested corresponding to the
year on which the annualized cost of living adjustments were
based. Beginning March 1, 1991, the same procedure shall be
employed to adjust the income limitation in section 6207,
subsection 2.

Sec. F-5. 36 MRSA §6656, as amended by PL 2001, c. 714, Pt. BB, §2
and affected by §4, is further amended to read:

§6656. Payment of claims; procedure for reimbursement

Except as provided in section 6652, subsection 3, upon receipt
of a timely and properly completed claim for reimbursement, the
State Tax Assessor shall certify that the claimant is eligible
for reimbursement and shall pay the amount claimed from the
General Fund as provided by this section by November 1st or
within 90 days after receipt of the claim, whichever is later.
For those claims for which payments are withheld pursuant to
section 6652, subsection 3, reimbursement must be paid within 90
days after the assessor receives notification under that
subsection that the report has been received.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Tax
Assessor shall determine the benefit for each claimant under this
chapter and certify the amount to the State Controller to be
transferred to the so-called Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement
Reserve account established, maintained and administered by the
State Controller from General Fund undedicated revenue within the
individual income tax category.__The assessor shall pay the
certified amounts to each approved applicant qualifying for the

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