LD 1
pg. 58
Page 57 of 70 An Act To Increase the State Share of Education Costs, Reduce Property Taxes an... Page 59 of 70
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LR 328
Item 1

C. Fifty Seventy percent and no less than 20% 30% for
learning space upgrades.

Sec. D-58. Application. This Part applies to school budgets passed
for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005, and thereafter.

Sec. D-59. Effective date. This Part takes effect July 1, 2005.


Sec. E-1. 30-A MRSA §706-A is enacted to read:

§706-A.__Limitation on appropriations

1.__Appropriation limit established.__Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, a county may not in any fiscal year make
an appropriation, including an appropriation to reserves, except
as otherwise provided in this section, where such appropriation
is funded by an assessment on its member municipalities and where
such appropriation would cause the county to exceed its
assessment limit for the fiscal year.__A county's assessment
limit for any fiscal year must be set at its assessment limit for
the prior fiscal year, multiplied by the sum of the following:
one; plus the income growth factor set forth in subsection 3;
plus the annual property growth factor for its member
municipalities.__The annual property growth factor for member
municipalities is a fraction whose denominator is the total
combined valuation of each member municipality and whose
numerator is the total combined increase in the assessed
valuation of any real or personal property in each member
municipality during the prior fiscal year that may become subject
to taxation for the first time, or taxed as a separate parcel for
the first time during such fiscal year, or that has had an
increase in its assessed valuation over the prior year's
valuation as a result of improvements to or expansion of the
property. In establishing the property growth factor under this
section, the county must rely on the total valuation and
increased valuation calculations of each member municipality
under section 5721-A, subsection 1 for its most recently
concluded fiscal year.

2.__Transition.__The appropriation limit established in
subsection 1 becomes effective for a county for its first full
fiscal year following the effective date of this section.

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