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LR 328
Item 1

B.__An article in substantially the following form must also
be used when a school administrative unit is considering an
appropriation of additional local funds that exceeds the
maximum state and local spending target defined in section
15671-A, subsection 4.

(1)__"Article____ :__Do you favor adopting a budget
that exceeds those costs considered reasonably
necessary according to the essential programs and
services funding model by (Recommend $____ .) for the
purpose of (insert purpose)?"

4.__Total budget article.__A school administrative unit must
include a summary article indicating the total annual budget for
funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 in the
school administrative unit.__The amount recommended must be the
gross budget of the school system. This article does not provide
money unless the other articles are approved.

A.__"Article____ :__To see what sum the (municipality or
district) will authorize the school committee to expend for
the fiscal year beginning (July 1,____ ) and ending (June
30,____ ) from the school administrative unit's contribution
to the total cost of funding public education from
kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential
Programs and Services Funding Act, non-state-funded school
construction projects, additional local funds for school
purposes under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A,
section 15690, unexpended balances, tuition receipts, state
subsidy and other receipts for the support of schools.__
(Recommend $____ .)"

5.__Vote.__Actions taken pursuant to subsections 1 to 4 must
be taken by a recorded vote.

6.__Administrative costs for units with no pupils. If a school
administrative unit is required to pay administrative costs and
has no allocation of state or local funds, that unit may raise
and expend funds for administrative costs.

§15691. Municipal assessment paid to district

1.__Presentation of assessment schedule. The assessment
schedule based on the budget approved at a community school
district or school administrative district budget meeting must be
presented to the treasurer of each municipality that is a member
of the district.

The assessment schedule must include each member municipality's
share of the school administrative unit's contribution to the

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