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LR 328
Item 1

Sec. D-54. 20-A MRSA §§15689-A to 15689-F are enacted to read:

§15689-A.__Authorization of payment of miscellaneous costs

1.__Payment of state agency client costs.__State agency client
costs are payable pursuant to this subsection.__As used in this
subsection, "state agency client" has the same meaning as defined
in section 1, subsection 34-A.

A.__The commissioner shall approve special education costs
and supportive services, including transportation, for all
state agency clients placed in residential placements by an
authorized agent of a state agency.

B.__Special education costs authorized by this subsection
for state agency clients must be paid by the department in
the allocation year at 100% of actual costs.

C.__The commissioner shall pay only approved special
education costs and supportive services, including
transportation, authorized by this subsection for state
agency clients and may not allocate for those special
education costs and supportive services, including
transportation, incurred by the school administrative unit
for state agency clients in the base years starting July 1,
1985, and every base year thereafter.

D.__Transportation costs for state agency clients, when
provided in accordance with rules established by the
commissioner under section 7204, must be paid by the
department in the allocation year at 100% of actual costs.

2.__Education of institutional residents.__The commissioner
may pay tuition to school administrative units or private schools
for institutional residents within the limits of the allocation
made under this section.

3.__Essential programs and services components contract.__The
commissioner may contract for the updating of the essential
programs and services component with a statewide education
research institute.

4.__Learning results implementation, assessment and
accountability.__The commissioner may expend and disburse funds
limited to the amount appropriated by the Legislature to carry
out the purposes of Public Law 1995, chapter 649, sections 5 and

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