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LR 328
Item 1

(2) The product of the high school level per-pupil amount
for targeted technology resource funds calculated
pursuant of section 15681, subsection 3 multiplied by the
grade 9 to 12 portion of the pupil count calculated
pursuant to section 15674, subsection 1, paragraph C,
subparagraph (1); and

E. If the school administrative unit is eligible for
targeted kindergarten to grade 2 funds pursuant to section
15681, subsection 1, the product of the per-pupil guarantee
EPS per-pupil rate multiplied by the additional weight for
kindergarten to grade 2 calculated pursuant to section
15675, subsection 3. ; and

F.__A necessary small unit adjustment.__A school
administrative unit is eligible for a necessary small school
adjustment when the unit meets the size and distance
criteria as established by the commissioner and approved by
the state board.__The amount of the adjustment is the result
of adjusting the necessary student-to-staff ratios
determined in section 15679, subsection 2, the per-pupil
amount for operation and maintenance of plant in section
15680, subsection 1, paragraph B or other essential programs
and services components in chapter 606-B, as recommended by
the commissioner.

2. Adjustments. The base total calculated pursuant to
subsection 1 must be adjusted as follows.

A. The base total calculated pursuant to subsection 1 must
be reduced by the amount of all funds received by the school
administrative unit under Title I of the federal Elementary
and Secondary Education Act of 1965, 20 United States Code,
Section 6301 et seq. during the most recent fiscal year.

B. The amount calculated pursuant to paragraph A must be
adjusted by the regional adjustment pursuant to section

C. The amount calculated pursuant to paragraph B this
subsection must be multiplied by the essential programs and
services transition percentage for the appropriate year in
accordance with section 15671, subsection 7, paragraph A.

Sec. D-46. 20-A MRSA §15683, as enacted by IB 2003, c. 2, §1, is

Sec. D-47. 20-A MRSA §15683-A is enacted to read:

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