LD 1
pg. 29
Page 28 of 70 An Act To Increase the State Share of Education Costs, Reduce Property Taxes an... Page 30 of 70
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LR 328
Item 1

22-A.__Predicted per-pupil transportation costs.__"Predicted
per-pupil transportation costs" means the predicted
transportation costs for a school administrative unit based on
the number of resident pupils, the number of miles of Class 1 to
Class 5 roads in the school administrative unit and approved
adjustments.__Approved adjustments include a per mile rate equal
to the state average gross transportation operating costs per
mile driven for transportation associated with out-of-district
special education programs, up to 2 round trips per day for
vocational education programs, and adjustments for expenditures
for ferry services within a school administrative unit,
transportation of homeless children in accordance with section
5205 and transportation costs of island school administrative

23. Property fiscal capacity. "Property fiscal capacity"
means the certified state valuation amount amounts for the year
prior to the most recently certified state valuation recent year.

24. Property weight. "Property weight" means a value between
zero and one that is used to adjust a municipality's ratio of
local per-pupil property fiscal capacity to the statewide per-
pupil property fiscal capacity. The income weight, as defined in
subsection 14, plus the property weight must total one.

25. School administrative staff. "School administrative
staff" means full-time equivalent public school principals and
assistant principals, as documented in the department's database.

26. School administrative unit's local contribution to EPS
per-pupil rate. "School administrative unit's local contribution
to the per-pupil guarantee EPS per-pupil rate" means the funds
that a school administrative unit provides for each subsidizable
pupil who resides in that unit.

27. School administrative unit's state contribution to EPS
per-pupil rate. "School administrative unit's state contribution
to the per-pupil guarantee EPS per-pupil rate" means the funds
that the State provides to a school administrative unit for each
subsidizable pupil who resides in that unit.

28. School level. "School level" means elementary level,
middle school level and high school level.

29. School level teaching staff. "School level teaching
staff" means full-time equivalent public classroom teachers,
itinerant classroom teachers and special teachers of reading or
literacy specialists excluding special education teachers and

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