LD 1
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LR 328
Item 1

B. By fiscal year 2009-10 2008-09 the state share of the
total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to
grade 12, as described by essential programs and services,
must be 55%. Beginning in fiscal year 2005-06 and in each
fiscal year until fiscal year 2009-10 2008-09, the state
share of essential programs and services described costs
must increase toward the 55% level required in fiscal year
2009-10 2008-09.

Beginning in fiscal year 2005-06 and in each fiscal year
thereafter, the commissioner shall use the funding level
determined in accordance with this section as the basis for a
recommended funding level for the state share of the cost of the
components of essential programs and services.

Sec. D-35. 20-A MRSA §15671, sub-§7, as amended by PL 2003, c. 712,
§10, is further amended to read:

7. Transition; annual targets. To achieve the system of
school funding based on essential programs and services required
by this section, the following annual targets are established.

A. The annual targets for the essential programs and
services transition percentage, excluding program cost
allocation, debt service allocation and adjustments, are as

(1) For fiscal year 2005-06, the target is 84%.

(2) For fiscal year 2006-07, the target is 88% 90%.

(3) For fiscal year 2007-08, the target is 92% 95%.

(4) For fiscal year 2008-09 and succeeding years, the
target is 96% 100%.

(5) For fiscal year 2009-10 and succeeding years, the
target is 100%.

B. The annual targets for the state share percentage are as

(1) For fiscal year 2005-06, the target is 52.6%.

(2) For fiscal year 2006-07, the target is 52.6%

(3) For fiscal year 2007-08, the target is 53% 54.44%.

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