LD 1
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LR 328
Item 1

A center shall provide programs of career and technical
education. Programs of career and technical education are
eligible to receive state subsidy pursuant to chapters 606 606-B
and 609. All programs of career and technical education offered
by a center must be approved by the commissioner pursuant to
section 8306-A. The programs must offer a sequence of courses
that are directly related to the preparation of individuals for
employment in current or emerging occupations and may include
training and education in academic and business skills preparing
students to further their education at the community college or
other college level or allowing students to use trade and
occupational skills on other than an employee basis. Programs of
career and technical education may also include alternative
educational programs and training and education in music,
athletics, art and other activities approved by the commissioner
pursuant to section 8306-A.

Sec. D-26. 20-A MRSA §8404, sub-§3, ¶C, as corrected by RR 2003, c. 2,
§59, is amended to read:

C. Shall, in the event that the school boards of School
Administrative District No. 27, School Administrative
District No. 33 and Madawaska School Department enter into a
cooperative agreement pursuant to section 8401 and a new
career and technical education center in Maine School
Administrative District No. 33 becomes operational, devise a
cost sharing formula for the center established thereby
pertaining to the cost of career and technical education
programs that exceed expenditures made for those programs in
the base year as adjusted pursuant to section 15603 15681-A,
subsection 5 and to the local share of debt service costs
attributable to construction of the center in School
Administrative District No. 33;

Sec. D-27. 20-A MRSA §8451-A, as corrected by RR 2003, c. 2, §61, is
amended to read:

§8451-A. Programs

A region shall provide programs of career and technical
education. Programs of career and technical education are
eligible to receive state subsidy pursuant to chapters 606 606-B
and 609. All programs of career and technical education offered
by a region must be approved by the commissioner pursuant to
section 8306-A. The programs must offer a sequence of courses
that are directly related to the preparation of individuals for
employment in current or emerging occupations and may include
training and education in academic and business skills preparing
students to further their education at the community college or
college level or allowing students to use trade and occupational

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