LD 471
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LR 602
Item 1

3. The Attorney General or a designee;

4. The Commissioner of Education or a designee; and

5. The Commissioner of Human Services or a designee.

The Commissioner of Education and the Commissioner of Human
Services or their designees serve as nonvoting members; and be it

Sec. 3. Appointments; chairs; convening of commission. Resolved: That all
appointments must be made no later than 30 days following the
effective date of this resolve. The first-named Senate member
and the first-named House of Representatives member shall serve
as cochairs of the commission. The appointing authorities shall
notify the Executive Director of the Legislative Council once all
appointments have been completed. The cochairs shall convene the
first meeting of the commission no later than 15 days after
appointment of all members; and be it further

Sec. 4. Duties. Resolved: That the commission shall study obesity in
the State and methods to decrease the cost of health care and
improve the public health. The commission shall specifically
include in its study:

1. An analysis of whether schools are meeting modern
nutrition standards for school meals and food and drink offered
on school property and, if not, an analysis of what strategies
are available to encourage more nutritious offerings;

2. Options for the adoption of a nutrition pyramid, with
emphasis on increased consumption of vegetables, whole grains,
milk, beans, soy products and nuts;

3. An analysis of physical education standards in Maine
schools from 1970 to the present, including a review of the Maine
system of learning results and standards in other states. A
review of general trends in Maine toward a less active and more
sedentary lifestyle, including the contribution of these trends
to the rising rates of obesity in the State and the nation and
strategies for addressing physical activity issues, must be
included in the analysis;

4. An analysis of whether advertising targeted at children is
contributing to the rising rates of obesity in Maine and the
nation and, if so, an analysis of possible strategies to address
this issue;

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