LD 1942
pg. 3
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LR 2844
Item 1

Beginning at an iron pin set at the intersection of the shore
of Aziscohos Lake and the south line of the School Lot in said
township, witnessed by an 11" spruce; thence north eighty-three
degrees west (N 83 W) fifteen and zero tenths (15.0) chains to
an iron pin, witnessed by an 8" sugar maple; thence north seven
degrees east (N 7 E) twenty and zero tenths (20.0) chains to an
iron pin, witnessed by a 7" sugar maple; thence south eighty-
three degrees east (S 83 E) eleven and thirty-nine hundredths
(11.39) chains to an iron pin set at the shore of the Little
Magalloway River, witnessed by a 10" fir; thence by and along the
shore in a southerly direction to the point of beginning, being
twenty-five (25 acres) more or less. For reference see deed from
Brown Company to the State of Maine recorded June 7, 1978, in
Book 987, Page 27, of the Oxford County Registry of Deeds; and be
it further

Sec. 4. Director of Bureau of Parks and Lands authorized to convey certain real estate
to Town of Greenville. Resolved: That the Director of the Bureau of
Parks and Lands within the Department of Conservation may by
quitclaim deed convey for appraised fair market value, and on
such other terms and conditions as the director may direct, to
the Town of Greenville a certain lot or parcel of land up to 45
acres located in Little Moose Township, T3R5BKP EKK, said
conveyance to be for the limited purpose of expansion of the
Greenville Industrial Park and subject to approval by the voters
of the Town of Greenville; and be it further

Sec. 5. Director of Bureau of Parks and Lands authorized to convey certain real estate
to Town of Corinna. Resolved: That the Director of the Bureau of Parks
and Lands within the Department of Conservation may by quitclaim
deed convey for One Dollar, $1.00, and on such other terms and
conditions as the director may direct, to the Town of Corinna a
certain lot or parcel of land located at the intersection of
Spring Street, Exeter Street and Center Street in the Town of
Corinna, Penobscot County, State of Maine, being those same
premises described in a deed from the Finance Authority of Maine
to Ralph A. Berg, dated July 31, 1997 and recorded in the
Penobscot County Registry of Deeds August 21, 1997 in Book 6469,
Page 11. Title to the parcel passed to the State in 2000
pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 18-A, section 2-105
at the death of Ralph A. Berg, who died testate and whose heirs
disclaimed all interest.

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