LD 1942
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 RESOLVE Chapter 137 Page 3 of 3
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LR 2844
Item 1

Beginning at a point (6862' longitude, 4700' latitude) marked
by a road post on the most easterly portion of the Winterville
public lot access road; thence Southwest and Northwest
approximately 1.5 miles to the most Westerly point (68 64'
longitude, 4700' latitude) of said public road, also marked by a
road post. The width of the road, to include the Maine Public
Service utility corridor, varies from approximately 30 feet to 77
feet East to West; and be it further

Sec. 2. Director of Bureau of Parks and Lands authorized to convey certain real estate
to First Roach Pond Leaseholders Coalition. Resolved: That the Director of the
Bureau of Parks and Lands within the Department of Conservation
may by quitclaim deed convey without covenants, for appraised
fair market value and for private uses, and on such terms and
conditions as the director may direct, to the First Roach Pond
Leaseholders Coalition, or its individual members and assigns,
certain lots or parcels of land situated in Township A, Range 13
WELS, Frenchtown, Piscataquis County, State of Maine, which land
is part of the public lot in said township as first described in
the petition for partition and report of partition commissioners
dated December 11, 1948 and recorded in the Piscataquis County
Registry of Deeds in Book 20, Page 1, said lots being located
northerly of the South Inlet Road, also presently known as the
Frenchtown Road, and between said road and the southerly shore of
First Roach Pond, which parcels of land must be further
identified and described by and through the performing of an
instrument survey prior to said conveyance to be commissioned by
the director. The conveyance excepts and reserves to the State
the so-called South Inlet Campground, being the premises
described in an annual camp site lease between the State, Scott
Paper Company and C.J. Keahliher dated April 1, 1975.

In the event that the portion of the Frenchtown Road
maintained by Piscataquis County is discontinued as a county
road, the director shall take any reasonable action that
resources allow to ensure continuing full public rights-of-way
over the road; and be it further

Sec. 3. Director of Bureau of Parks and Lands authorized to convey certain real estate
to Bosebuck Mountain Club, Inc. Resolved: That the Director of the
Bureau of Parks and Lands within the Department of Conservation
may by quitclaim deed convey for appraised fair market value, and
on such other terms and conditions as the director may direct, to
the Bosebuck Mountain Club, Inc. a certain lot or parcel of land
in Lynchtown Township (T5, R4) WBKP, in Oxford County, State of
Maine, bounded and described as follows:

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